Walking in the Rain City — Keelung Badou Elementary School

翻譯: 徐瑞儀

Badou Elementary School is located on the northeast coast of Taiwan. It’s a rainier area compared to other places. Based on the past statistics, about two-thirds of the days each year are rainy days. It’s probably because of global warming that there have been fewer rainy days in recent years, but overall Keelung is still a rainy city.

Due to the above-mentioned reasons, the concept of stormwater management to the new generation was introduced. And in order to achieve it, our school reduces the overflowing of surface water by collecting the rainwater on campus and establishing the idea of ‘’Sponge Campus’’. We have been building a rainwater recycling system since 2016. Besides saving running water, we also let the kids understand the importance of water resources by correlated curriculums.

Rainwater purification uses the method of natural sedimentation. Because of the pure water quality and its moderate acidity, it is suitable for irrigating and washing the campus and the horses inside. Planting herbs and green wall (Rosemary, Mint, Basil, and Mesona)


Teacher and students’ education area, planting pumpkins, Roselle, Chives, etc., developing the education of food and agriculture. Furthermore, it sometimes became one of the dishes on the student’s table.


Using rainwater recycling to breed and raise fishes. The fishes can take care of the wigglers that were caused by the stagnant water. Currently we have Japanese rice fish, Paradise fish, and Mosquitofish.


Ocean traveling program— Biotope Aquarium, being the featured program of campus rainwater recycling and marine education, and being given away as presents to the visiting schools.